What is a Technical Project Manager?

A Technical Project Manager is a professional with advanced knowledge and experience in project management and technical domains. This position operates at the intersection of technology, business, and leadership, requiring a unique set of skills to spearhead projects within a technical context. Unlike traditional project managers, TPMs possess a deep understanding of the technical challenges and requirements, allowing them to make informed decisions that can drive innovation and technological advancement within their organization. According to the Department of Labor, companies worldwide are expected to create more than 250,000 jobs for technical project managers in the next two years.

Important Terms

1. Technical Project

A technical project is typically characterized by its emphasis on the creation, implementation, or improvement of technological systems, products, or services. It involves specialized knowledge and the application of engineering principles and technology-based methodologies. These projects demand not only project management skills but also an in-depth understanding of the technical intricacies that govern the project objectives. This might include software development, infrastructure upgrades, cybersecurity implementations, or any initiative where technology is a critical factor in achieving the desired outcome.

2. Technical Project Management

Technical Project Management is the discipline that marries the principles of project management with the know-how of the technological landscape. It requires a manager to oversee and guide the lifecycle of technical projects, ensuring they meet organizational strategy and objectives. This type of management covers the planning, execution, supervision, and successful delivery of projects that are heavily reliant on technology. Technical Program Management is a discipline that extends beyond managing individual projects.

Technical Project Manager VS Project Manager

A Technical Project Manager (TPM) and a Traditional Project Manager (PM) are essential in ensuring project success. However, their functions, skills, and areas of focus vary significantly:

Technical Project ManagerProject Manager
Specializes in managing projects that are primarily technology-focused.Manages projects across various industries not confined to technology.
Requires in-depth knowledge of technical processes, tools, and software.A knowledge base is often more focused on general project management principles.
Coordinates with IT professionals and developers to achieve project goals.Collaborates with a broader range of team members with various expertise.
Must stay updated with the latest technological trends and innovations.Focuses on project management best practices over niche technical updates.
Handles the complexity of software development life cycles.Deals with a broader scope of project life cycles that may not involve software.
Often requires a background in computer science or a related field.May come from diverse educational backgrounds with certifications in project management.
Frequently involves hands-on technical problem-solving.Focuses on leadership and coordination to solve project-related issues.
Must interpret and translate technical jargon for non-tech stakeholders.Primarily communicates using project management terminologies.
Plays a key role in technical risk assessment and mitigation.Handles risk assessment with a broader scope, including but not limited to tech risks.
Typically works closer with the product development and IT teams.Often engages with various departments like finance, marketing, and sales.
technical project management

How to Become a Technical Project Manager?

1. The Academic Route

Acquiring a solid foundation in project management and a technical domain will set the stage for a successful career as a TPM. Consider pursuing:

2. Gaining Experience

In the competitive arena of technical project management, practical experience is invaluable. Begin your journey by:

  • Seeking Internships and Entry-Level Positions: These initial forays into the industry will provide hands-on experience and insight into the dynamics of technical projects.
  • Embracing Mentorship: Learning from seasoned managers can accelerate your growth and provide you with valuable guidance.

3. What do Technical Project Managers Do?

Technical Project Managers are entrusted with a spectrum of duties, such as:

  • Planning: Developing comprehensive project plans that outline the scope, schedule, budget, and risks of a project.
  • Execution: Overseeing the delivery of project tasks, ensuring they are on time, within budget, and meet quality standards.
  • Team Leadership: Managing and directing cross-functional teams to achieve project objectives.
  • Stakeholder Communication: Actively engaging with stakeholders to report progress and manage expectations.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating project risks before they can impact the project’s success.
  • Issue Resolution: Addressing project issues and conflicts in a timely and effective manner.
technical project manager

4. What Are the Skills a Technical Project Manager Requires?

Success as a TPM hinges on a rich blend of soft and hard skills. Here are the key proficiencies to prioritize:


  • Leadership: Inspiring and guiding project teams, especially amid challenge and change.
  • Communication: Exceptional verbal and written communication is vital for engaging with stakeholders and fostering team unity.
  • Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze situations, make informed decisions, and solve problems is critical in the high-stakes world of project management.
  • Adaptability: In a field where change is constant, being flexible and adaptable to new technologies and methodologies is crucial.


  • Technical Proficiency: A deep understanding of the technical aspects of the projects being managed is non-negotiable.
  • Project Management Tools: Mastery of project management software, such as JIRA, Trello, or Asana, streamlines project operations.
  • Risk Assessment: The capability to assess and manage project risks effectively supports successful project outcomes.

5. How Long Does It Take to Become a Tech Project Manager?

The timeline to become a Technical Project Manager (TPM) varies depending on one’s educational and professional background. For starters, acquiring a project management degree can take up to 2 years of study. An advanced degree, like a Project Management PhD, entails an additional two to three years, depending on the research involved. Alternatively, there are various shorter-term certificates and diplomas available for those looking to make a quicker transition into the field. These include the Certificate in Project Management, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to complete. Therefore, the timeline can range from a few months to a couple of years, depending on the chosen path of study and the amount of prior project management experience.

6. Technical Project Manager Salary

The salary of a Technical Project Manager can vary significantly based on the specific role, years of experience, and the geographical location of the job. Here are some average annual salaries in the United States for different designations in technical project management:


A Junior Technical Project Manager typically has less experience and is still learning the ropes of the industry. On average, they can expect to earn between $60,000 to $80,000 per year.


A standard Technical Project Manager, with a moderate level of experience and responsibility, can expect to earn an average salary ranging from $86,000 to $110,000 per year.


Senior Technical Project Managers often oversee larger, more complex projects, or supervise teams of project managers. Their average salary falls within the range of $110,000 to $140,000 per year.


A Technical Program Manager typically oversees multiple interrelated projects (a program) and hence holds a higher position than a Project Manager. The average salary for the managers of programs stands between $120,000 to $160,000 annually.


Directors of Technical Project Management hold a strategic role, often overseeing the entire project management department in a company. Their average annual salary ranges from $140,000 to $185,000.

Top 5 Tools Every Technical Project Manager Needs

Every project manager, especially those in technical fields, requires a set of tools that enhance efficiency and provide structure to complex projects. Here are five indispensable tools:

  • Version Control Systems: Such as Git, these are essential for keeping track of changes, collaborating on software projects, and maintaining a history of work done.
  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Tools like Visual Studio or Eclipse offer powerful coding, debugging, and testing capabilities that streamline development workflows.
  • Communication Platforms: Slack and Microsoft Teams facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among project team members, which is crucial for timely decision-making.
  • Documentation Tools: Confluence or other wiki-style platforms enable the creation, sharing, and collaborative editing of project documentation, keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Automation and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools: Jenkins, Travis CI, or similar tools automate the software deployment process, ensuring that new code changes are smooth and error-free.

Wrapping Up:

In conclusion, a career in technical project management can be rewarding and dynamic, offering a variety of roles and lucrative compensation. From Junior Technical Project Managers learning the industry ropes to Directors of Technical Project Management who strategize and oversee whole departments, each role plays a critical part in delivering technical projects successfully. However, it’s important to remember that these positions come with their set of challenges and responsibilities. Aspiring technical project managers must leverage their technical knowledge, develop strong leadership and communication skills, and foster an understanding of business and project management principles. In doing so, they can steer their teams toward success, ensuring timely and efficient project completion while adding significant value to their organizations.