What is Project Portfolio Management (PPM)?

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a process of managing a collection of projects and programs that are aligned with organizational strategy and objectives. It focuses on optimizing project selection and ensuring resources are appropriately allocated to maximize value and manage risk. PPM ensures that projects do not operate in silos but instead complement each other and work towards the common goals of the organization, providing a holistic view of every project’s performance, costs, and benefits. This allows organizations to make data-driven decisions and adjust their portfolios based on changing business needs.

Who is Project Portfolio Manager?

A Project Portfolio Manager is a pivotal figure in an organization, bearing the responsibility for the comprehensive management of the project portfolio. This professional provides the strategic oversight necessary to align projects with corporate objectives, optimizing resource distribution and assuring that all projects collectively drive the targeted business value. Their role involves extensive collaboration with stakeholders to assess the viability of projects, mitigate risks, and prioritize efforts in accordance with the dynamic landscape of business needs and market trends. A Project Portfolio Manager endeavors to craft a balanced portfolio that promotes growth while adhering to budgetary constraints and timeframes.

Project Management VS Project Portfolio Management



Focuses on a collection of projects and programs.Focuses on the execution of a single project.
Aimed at strategic alignment with business goals.Aimed at delivering specific outputs or deliverables.
Involves high-level resource allocation decisions.Involves detailed resource scheduling and utilization for a project.
Requires prioritization based on business impact and risks.Requires planning based on project scope, time, and cost.
Key decisions are driven by organizational strategy.Key decisions are driven by project objectives and constraints.
Manages dependencies between multiple projects.Manages dependencies within the project tasks.
Emphasis on portfolio balance and value maximization.Emphasis on successful project completion within constraints.
Addresses the overall risk of the portfolio.Addresses risks specific to the project.
Monitored and measured by aggregated portfolio performance.Monitored and measured by individual project success criteria.
Often involves a more dynamic and flexible approach to change.Often follows a structured methodology or framework.

“The main distinction between project or program management and project portfolio management is a focus on meeting tactical versus strategic goals. Tactical goals are generally more specific and short-term than strategic goals, which emphasize long-term goals for an organization. Individual projects and programs often address tactical goals, whereas portfolio management addresses strategic goals.”

Key Note!

Why Project Portfolio Management is Important?

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a crucial facet of organizational strategy because it ensures that a company’s suite of projects is aligned with its overarching objectives and delivers maximum value. By providing a bird’s-eye view of all projects, Project Portfolio Management enables senior management to make informed decisions about where to invest resources and how to adjust tactics in an ever-changing business environment. This strategic alignment is essential for sustaining competitive advantage, optimizing resource utilization, and achieving economies of scale. Moreover, Project Portfolio Management facilitates risk management across the portfolio, reducing the likelihood that individual project failures will jeopardize the organization’s long-term goals.

7 Key Benefits of Project Portfolio Management

  1. Enhanced Decision-Making: Project Portfolio Management provides leaders with comprehensive visibility into a portfolio, enabling better investment decisions and prioritization in line with strategic goals.
  2. Resource Optimization: Efficient allocation and utilization of resources across projects prevent over-commitment and underutilization, leading to cost savings and higher productivity.
  3. Strategic Alignment: Ensures that every project undertaken contributes to the overall business strategy, keeping the organization focused on its most important objectives.
  4. Risk Management: Identifies and mitigates risks at the portfolio level, minimizing the impact of individual project failures on the overall health of the organization.
  5. Performance Measurement: By evaluating projects collectively, Project Portfolio Management allows for more in-depth performance analysis and the ability to take corrective action where needed.
  6. Balance and Diversification: Maintains an optimal balance in the project portfolio, much like an investment portfolio, to stabilize returns and reduce risk exposure.
  7. Improved Delivery: Promotes the consistent and successful delivery of projects by applying a uniform management approach and sharing best practices across the organization.
portfolio management vs project management

3 Best Project Portfolio Management Software

1. Microsoft Project & Portfolio Management (PPM):

This tool offers robust project management features that integrate seamlessly with the Microsoft ecosystem. Users benefit from its familiar interface, advanced analytics, and rich project and portfolio management functionalities that align with various business strategies.

2. Oracle’s Primavera P6:

Ideal for large enterprises, Primavera P6 excels in handling complex, large-scale projects. It provides detailed resource management, scheduling features, and powerful reporting capabilities, all of which are crucial for maintaining control over large project portfolios.

3. Planview:

Planview caters to organizations looking for comprehensive portfolio management solutions. Its features include strategic planning, portfolio and resource management, and enterprise architecture. It’s particularly well-regarded for its ability to connect strategy with execution, ensuring that teams are working on projects that fully align with corporate objectives.

5 Best Project Portfolio Management Tools

1. Gantt Charts:

Tools like Smartsheet or GanttProject aid in creating Gantt charts, providing a clear visual timeline of project schedules, dependencies, and progress, which is essential for coordinating complex project portfolios.

2. Mind Mapping:

Conceptual tools like MindMeister allow for the visual organization of ideas and tasks, facilitating brainstorming, strategy planning, and the breakdown of large projects into more manageable units.

3. Project Dashboards:

Customizable dashboards provided by platforms like Tableau or dashboard functions in Excel help in monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and offer a consolidated view of portfolio health, project status, and milestones.

4. Resource Allocation Matrices:

Using specialized tools like Float or even spreadsheets, resource allocation matrices enable managers to efficiently allocate and optimize workforce scheduling and utilization across multiple projects.

5. Kanban Boards:

Widely used for their visual task-tracking capabilities, Kanban boards such as Trello or physical boards help teams visualize workflow, prioritize tasks, and manage project progress in real-time.

“To implement it, you must first identify your organization’s objectives and goals. Once you’ve done this, create a project portfolio that aligns with these objectives and goals. Next, implement a Project Portfolio Management process that will help you track and manage your projects. Finally, use project portfolio management tools to improve its process.”

Key Note!

Key Component of Project Portfolio Management

The fundamental components of Project Portfolio Management (PPM) include:

  1. Governance: Establishing the framework for making decisions regarding project proposals, resource allocation, and performance monitoring.
  2. Portfolio Evaluation: Systematic assessment of potential and current projects based on their strategic value, resource requirements, and risk.
  3. Resource Management: Strategic forecasting and allocation of resources such as personnel, time, and budgets across multiple projects.
  4. Performance Management: Tracking and measuring the success of projects and the entire portfolio against defined KPIs and strategic objectives.
  5. Benefits Realization: Ensuring that the portfolio yields the expected business benefits and contributes positively to the bottom line.
  6. Risk Management: Identifying, analyzing, and mitigating potential risks within the portfolio to ensure successful outcomes.
  7. Stakeholder Engagement: Managing communication and relationships with all parties affected by or interested in the project portfolio.
  8. Portfolio Reporting: Creating periodic reports and dashboards to provide stakeholders with visibility into portfolio performance, resource utilization, and strategic alignment.
project portfolio management

Project Portfolio Management Process Steps

The Project Portfolio Management (PPM) process typically involves several key steps to ensure a balanced portfolio that aligns with the organization’s strategic goals:

1. Strategic Alignment:

The Project Portfolio Management process begins with ensuring that all projects are aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives. This entails evaluating each project’s potential contribution to the overarching goals of the company.

2. Project Initiation:

This step involves the formal start of new projects. Project charters are developed, outlining the project objectives, scope, and resource requirements.

3. Project Evaluation and Selection:

All proposed projects are assessed based on predefined criteria such as strategic value, return on investment (ROI), and risk level. Prioritization and selection of projects occur during this phase.

4. Resource Allocation and Scheduling:

Resources are planned and assigned to selected projects. This step requires careful consideration to avoid over-allocation and to optimize the use of available resources.

5. Execution and Control:

With resources allocated, the project execution phase commences. Project Portfolio Management includes monitoring progress, making requisite adjustments, and ensuring that the project remains within scope, on time, and within budget.

6. Performance Measurement:

This involves evaluating project performance against KPIs and milestones. Regular reviews help in recognizing achievements and addressing any deviations from plans.

7. Portfolio Review and Rebalancing:

The entire portfolio is periodically reviewed to ensure it remains aligned with strategic objectives. This may involve reprioritizing, adding, or terminating projects based on performance and changing business needs.

8. Communications and Reporting:

Regular and transparent communication with stakeholders occurs throughout the Project Portfolio Management process. Reporting includes updating on the current status, progress, and issues that may need stakeholder attention.

9. Benefits Realization and Value Delivery:

As projects are completed, the focus shifts to realizing the benefits as laid out in the initial project proposal. Value delivery to the organization is assessed and measured.

10. Lessons Learned and Continuous Improvement:

In the final step, experiences and data from completed projects are reviewed to derive lessons learned. This knowledge is used to improve future Project Portfolio Management processes and project executions.

project portfolio management process

Examples of Processes and Techniques Used in Project Portfolio Management

Several processes and techniques are employed to ensure the effectiveness of Project Portfolio Management (PPM). These include:

  1. Scenario Analysis: This technique involves evaluating different potential future scenarios to understand possible outcomes and prepare strategies accordingly.
  2. Risk Management: Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks is vital to maintain the integrity of the project portfolio.
  3. Resource Optimization: Using software for resource management allows for more efficient allocation and utilization of resources across projects.
  4. Change Management: Implementing structured processes to manage changes within projects helps minimize disruption and keeps the portfolio stable.
  5. Portfolio Scoring and Prioritization: Projects are scored based on specific criteria to determine their priority within the portfolio. This aids in decision-making and resource allocation.
  6. Stakeholder Engagement: Continual engagement with stakeholders through workshops, meetings, and feedback sessions ensures alignment with business goals and addresses concerns proactively.
  7. Earned Value Management (EVM): This quantitative project management technique objectively measures project performance and progress.

These practices, coupled with the right tools and technology, enable organizations to drive their Project Portfolio Management processes effectively, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives and efficient delivery of results.

Navigating Project Complexity with Academic Expertise

As the gatekeeper of a project’s success, the project portfolio manager plays a critical role, often backed by advanced education such as a Project Management PhD or a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management. In recent years, the proliferation of online project management courses has further empowered professionals, providing them with the flexibility to enhance their expertise while continuing to lead endeavors. A project portfolio manager strategically allocates resources, balances risks, and ensures the seamless execution of projects in alignment with the overarching objectives of the organization, leveraging their academic credentials and continual learning to navigate the complex landscape of project management.