What are Project Management Practices?

Managing a project can be overwhelming. From the demands of clients to the need to manage your team and deadline, there’s always something new to keep track of. It can be hard to stay focused, let alone stay productive. However, in order to stay on top of things and avoid being overwhelmed, you need an effective system for managing your time and tasks. Employing the best project management practices can make the most out of your work while getting it completed on schedule.

It helps more if there is someone with project management qualifications to lead the way. Hiring someone who has an MBA (Project Management) – masters course will be beneficial in ensuring that the right project management practices have been followed. Alternatively, by studying a project management diploma, your business will get its work accomplished in a more efficient manner which will improve the bottom line. AIMS online Insitute of project management offers the MBA and Diploma programs, which also lead to the project management Ph.D. research program. You can use these project management qualifications to ensure that your work is done properly.

best project management practices

15 Best Project Management Practices

You can employ the following practices in your projects and programs. By ensuring that each area is addressed, you can run them at peak efficiency and on several project management methodologies. Luckily, there are 15 best practices that will help you be more productive in your project.

1. Keep Track of Your To-Dos Daily

We all know that keeping a to-do list can be incredibly helpful. It can also be the difference between feeling productive and overwhelmed. Keeping a to-do list is a good way to see what you have coming up and what tasks you have to get done. It also helps prevent tasks from falling through the cracks because you didn’t write them down. Your to-do list is also a good way to see what you need to be more productive. Some of the things you might see are:

  • “Hold a meeting with the team to figure out the next steps,”
  • “Find out how much it will cost to get the software built,” and,
  • “Find software engineers who can help build your product.”

With these thoughts in mind, you can be more effective and efficient in your day-to-day activities.

2. Estimate What’s Reasonable

Estimating is not only a good idea for your project management, but it’s also a great way to save money. You have no reason to get a new piece of equipment if you don’t need to. When estimating, you should use a range of values. You should not be estimating work that falls somewhere in the middle of your range. You want to be conservative because you don’t want to be surprised. You can estimate the most simplified version of the task in your head. The problem with estimating simple tasks is that it becomes too subjective. You might estimate a task at one person’s level, but at another person’s level, it’s too easy or too hard.

3. Use a Weekly Review Meeting

Weekly review meetings aren’t just for project managers. Timelines are important for all types of work, especially in software. Not only does it prevent the timeline for your project from getting out of hand, but it also gives your teammates a chance to let you know if they need more time or if they need more information to get the job done. If you’re using project management software, such as Microsoft Project, you can use your weekly meeting to look at your timeline. You can use your weekly review meeting to discuss your project timeline as well as your timeline for other projects you’re working on. This is important because you want to stay on top of your deadlines and make sure you don’t have multiple deadlines at once.

4. Open Communication

You will need to communicate with everyone involved, including stakeholders, team members, sponsors, managers, clients, and so forth. The right project management practices are based on open communication so that everyone stays involved. Quite often, communication that is discouraged leads to misunderstandings or worse, going way off-track when it comes to completing the project properly.

5. Constant Discussion

It’s impossible to be on top of everything. That’s why it’s important to discuss frequently with your team. This can be done through regular meetings, email threads, text threads, or even video chat. Stay away from complex discussion topics when possible and discuss in a way that your teammates can easily understand. If you want to discuss a topic that is too complex, try breaking it down into smaller parts until your teammates can understand it. As you discuss with your team, try to address their needs and deliver tasks that help them accomplish their goals. If you do this, you’ll be more effective and have happier teammates who are more likely to stay on board.

6. Sketch Out Ideas With Team Members

The best way to get started with brainstorming new ideas is to sketch out a few ideas and then discuss them with your team. This can be done in two ways. The first way is to break down the idea into smaller parts, explain what each part is, and then discuss how it will benefit your customers. The other way to sketch out an idea is to sketch it out the idea on paper. This is a great way to gather more information about your customers and how you can best serve them. As you sketch out your ideas, try to keep them simple. Make sure your ideas are customer-focused and not technology-focused.

7. Decide on a Delivery Date Early On

Dates are important and they should be scheduled as soon as they are known. You don’t want to wait until the last minute to schedule your dates because you don’t want to be rushed. There are several ways to schedule your dates. You can schedule them in your calendar or you can schedule them on a project management software. When scheduling your dates, pick dates that are reasonable. Pick dates that aren’t too far away. Pick dates that give you enough time to get your work done. For example, if you have a project due in one week, pick a date that is at least two weeks away. Time management in project management gives you enough time to get the project done without rushing.

8. Risk-Response Team

All projects or tasks can be rated at different levels of importance when it comes to their completion. Creating a risk-response team will help ensure that a project remains on track and that any difficulties that arise can be addressed immediately. Its presence will also bring peace of mind knowing that if something goes off-track it can be dealt with efficiently.

9. Clarify Responsibilities

One of the most common issues that occur within a company is who oversees what. By creating a working document that addresses such concerns, you can eliminate confusion from the start. The document will state who needs to do what and provide a clear indication of the level of involvement expected.

10. Test Your Software Often

You might not even realize it, but you’re using software incorrectly. Every single day, you should spend some time using your project management software. This is important because it will show you how well you’re using the software and if it’s delivering what you need it to do. You should also spend some time looking at how your team members are using their software. This is important because you want everyone to be on the same page and in sync. If you see that one team member is off by a few clicks, you can address that right away.

11. Drop the Unproductive Behaviour You Shouldn’t Be Doing

There are a few unproductive behaviors that you should try to avoid. The first one is getting overwhelmed. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, there are a few things you can do to get out of that state. One thing you can do is to take a break from your work. This can be achieved by taking a walk, taking a break at lunch, or simply taking a break for a few minutes. When you take breaks, it helps you to get your head back in the game. When you take a break, you can clear your mind and get your thoughts back.

12. Limit the Meetings You Attend

There are only two ways to be more productive and effective in your work – being more efficient and effective. One of the ways to be more efficient is to limit the number of meetings you attend. There are only two types of meetings: meetings that you need to attend and meetings that you don’t need to attend. Many times, we think we need to attend meetings that aren’t necessary. This is a huge mistake because it wastes your time, energy, and resources.

13. Find Your Inspiration Spot

Sometimes we need to take a break and see the inspiration spot. There are several places you can go that will help you find inspiration. One is to take a walk, go to a coffee shop, or go to a museum. These are all great places to get inspired and get new ideas.

14. Detailed Work Plan

Now that you know who is in charge, everyone must know what to do. This means creating a plan that assigns responsibilities creates deadlines and a timeline where milestones are reached. The best practices in project management mean that you create a work plan that everyone can see, understand, and follow. More importantly, it’s easier to see when the plan may go off-track so corrections can be made early in the process.

15. Documentation & Evaluation

By documenting the project as it is happening, you can catch mistakes early on and see how to avoid them in the future. Proper project management structure and documentation ensure everything moves efficiently toward finalization.

Last Words

Once the project is completed, feedback can be gathered to see what can be improved for future projects. It is the attention to detail that helps create the platform for better, more efficient use of personnel, equipment, and supplies that complete future projects on time. All the information gathered can be part of the wrap-up meeting where it can be discussed and the lessons learned applied to the next project.