Project Integration Management Definition

Project Integration Management involves processes and the activities required to define, coordinate, and bring together various groups and activities involved in the entire operation. The framework of project integration management guarantees that various tasks and resources are brought together to reach the project outcome. The final outcome sits on the shoulders of the integration project manager responsible for running and managing the project from the beginning to the end. Integrated project management includes several operations, including the development of the project charter, the plans for the project, directing and managing the work, having the ability to monitor and control the process, and closing the project on time.

“The integration project manager is responsible for orchestrating the various aspects of the project for a smooth outcome. The manager’s duties range from coordinating the project’s team, and ensuring the project elements are in place including the costs, scope, the quality of work is met, and scheduling is running properly. Integration project management also plays an important part in risk management, identifying potential issues, and incorporating strategic measures to avoid any problems down the road.”.

What is Integration Project Manager?

Project Management VS Project Integration Management

Here are the key differences between Project Management and Project Integration Management

Project Management

Project Integration Management

This is the process of guiding the team to reach the required goals and time frame.Project Integration Management must coordinate all aspects of the project to ensure proper alignment of operations and resources.
The project manager is responsible for managing all project tasks, including initiating, planning, monitoring, and controlling the project’s completion.The integration project manager also must ensure all parts of the project are working as required.

Project Integration Management: 7 Processes with Example

Project integration management involves coordinating all elements of a project to ensure that it operates smoothly and efficiently. Here are the seven key processes involved in project integration management, along with examples:

1. Developing the Project Charter

This step involves authorizing the project. The integrated project manager must draft a document that lays out the objectives of the project, the stakeholders, and the best requirements. The charter is then approved and signed by the project sponsors.

2. Developing the Integration Project Management Plan

In this step, the integration project manager creates a comprehensive plan that covers how the plan will be executed and how it will be overseen and controlled. This plan covers various other plans, including scope, scheduling, and managing project costs to create an integrated strategy.

3. Direct and Manage the Work on the Project Work

This step involves coordinating and creating the team to carry out operations outlined in the project management plan. This could include an integrated project manager to oversee the construction stage for a new building after the work is completed per the established schedule and standards.

4. Applying Expertise from Other Project

Using experience gained from other projects is paramount to improving the project’s outcome. The integration project manager could gather lessons learned from past projects to help out with the current project.

5. Overseeing and Controlling the Project

Tracking and regulating the progress of the project’s objectives stated in the project management plan is critical. The integrated project manager implements metrics to identify issues in the execution of the project and apply corrective measures.

6. Integrated Change Control

To apply changes involves evaluating requests for changes, approving them, and managing the applications. If the client wants a design change halfway through the project, the integration project manager will analyze the impact on the budget and timeline before making a decision.

7. Closing Off the Project or Phase

Ending a project or phase should be done in an organized manner, including the paperwork, getting the client’s approval, and guaranteeing the project net the requirements.

With good integrated project management, the project manager guarantees the project is working successfully.

project integration management

Project Integration Management Strategies

The strategies for integration project management are extremely important for a successful project, guaranteeing all aspects of the project interconnect seamlessly. Here are the important strategies  used in project integration management:

1. Communication

Creating a structured communication plan should guarantee all stakeholders are in the loop understanding the project’s progress, changes, and the challenges. This will create trust among the team.

2. Change Management

Good integrated project management must have flexibility and adaptability to manage changes in project management. Managers must be able to anticipate changes, understand any impacts, and plan to maintain the continuation of the project.

3. Risk Management

Analyzing the risks is crucial for a successful integration. There must be an understanding of the risks involved and a strategy to handle the situation.

4. Resources

The proper use and application of resources is extremely important. Managers must make sure resources are properly used to maintain schedules and budgets.

5. Stakeholders

Stakeholders must be engaged for a project’s success. This involves regular communication, expectations, and addressing the concerns of stakeholders.

Every aspect of the integration project management must work properly and on time for a successful completion.

Project Integration Management Examples

Example 1: TechSphere Module

The global software development firm TechSphere dealt with issues while trying to install different software modules from various teams. The project integration manager contacted the team to provide a broader image of the communication plan to help them. One of the modules required a complete overhaul. TechSphere was able to incorporate all the software modules very quickly, resulting in the delivery of the product on schedule while staying within the budget.

Example 2: BrightBuild Construction Project

BrightBuild initiated a challenging project involving several subcontractors. Project integration management must provide a dynamic communication strategy to keep stakeholders in the loop. They modified the blueprint successfully and maintained the project’s ongoing operations even with the possibility of risks while effectively implementing resources to stay on budget. Their actions led to the completion of the project far beyond the expectations of the stakeholders.

These examples show the value of the project integration management ensuring all parts of the project operated successfully for an excellent completion.

integration project manager

Project Integration Management Tools

There are several tools and software available for project integration management. These tools combine the integration process, increase collaboration with others, and guarantee all aspects of the project lead to the same goals.

1. Microsoft Project

This incredible software offers comprehensive features for scheduling projects, allocating resources, and project management. Microsoft Project is a valuable aid for project integration management.

2. Smartsheet

The Smartsheet software is user-friendly and simplistic. It provides real-time collaboration to keep teams and everyone else on the same page.


With a visually appealing interface, this tool offers clear communication and excellent workflow management.

4. Slack

Even though this is not a project management software, it increases communication between teams in leaps and bounds. This software is a critical part of project integration management.

5. Trello

For easily tracking tasks and the progression of a project, Trello’s intuitive board-and-card system is an excellent choice.

The above project integration management tools and software can alleviate the challenges associated with project integration management, improve coordination and a lot of resources, and provide good communication.

Project Integration Management Best Practices

Integration management in project management must have a strategic plan and best practices to improve the success of integration projects.  Here are a few suggestions:

1. Define Goals

It’s critical to lay out and communicate the project’s goals from the very beginning. A clear guideline will help ensure everyone has the same goal.

2. Involve the Stakeholders

Include project team members, clients, sponsors, and others who have a vested interest in the project. Clear and regular communication will prevent misunderstandings and keep everyone focused on the same goal.

3. Using the Tools Effectively

Using the above-mentioned project management integration tools will expedite the integration project. These tools are available for coordination, excellent communication, and project progression tracking.

4. Work Must Be Monitored and Controlled

Monitor the project’s progression regularly. If you notice discrepancies, you need to take corrective actions right away.

5. Document the Pros and Cons for Future Projects

After the project is completed, think about what worked and what needed improvement. Document your thoughts for future use.

Challenges that Come With Project Integration Management

Integration management in project management comes with many challenges that will affect the operation and success of the project.

1. Aligning Different Project Components

Different components, including timelines, tasks, and resources, can be challenging. Guaranteeing that all the elements will align and work toward the project’s goals can be challenging.

2. Communication

Communication is a critical part of overall success. That includes stakeholders, teams, clients, and suppliers. This can be difficult but extremely important for success.

3. Change Management

Like anything in life, things rarely run the way you want them to. Dealing with scheduling and resources and then integrating these changes into the project can be difficult.

4. Allocating Resources

Allocating resources including materials, financial aspects, or humans to other tasks can be difficult. Knowing these challenges can help the project manager create an effective strategy to ensure successful project management.

integrated project management

Future of Project Integration Management

  • The future of project integration management will lead to greater results over time. Due to technological advancement, integration project managers will be ready for even greater projects.
  •  Automation will improve processes and reduce human error. Data analytics will provide better insights for making better decisions.
  •  The evolution of integrated project management will increase sustainability and socially responsible actions.
  • As integration management in project integration continues to improve, integration project managers will adapt to the changes and bring these changes into their strategies for even greater success.