Project Management Blog
Welcome to our intellectual, creative, and corporate discourse hub for exciting project management articles and blogs. The AIMS project management blog is based on the research of our project management experts, who are solely dedicated to project management, program management, and project portfolio management. It gives an extensive library of information for all, ranging from project directors to newcomers in the project management field. AIMS project management articles cover a wide range of topics, from current practices to contemporary practices to industrial advancement. With our project management blog, you are regularly updated with the latest industry practices, trends, and updates you need for your project.
Effective Project Management
What is an Effective Project Management? Effective project management is an integral part of project management, and it may be defined as, the "successful completion of project objectives by effectively planning, implementing, and organizing [...]
Engineering Project Management – Importance & Job Roles
What is Engineering Project Management? Engineering project management refers to the management of the overall projects, related to the engineering field. The study of project management for engineers focuses on the basic principles of [...]
23 Major Difference Between Project Manager and Program Manager
Difference Between Project Manager and Program Manager As project management continues to evolve, new roles and positions have emerged to handle complex and large-scale projects better. These roles include program management, project portfolio management, [...]
Top 7 Project Management Industries with High Job Demand
Project Management Industry Overview Growing a business entirely on your own is not an easy task, and thus it is quite impossible for anyone to take a business to the zenith of success, alone. [...]
Project Management Software Comparison
Project Management Software Comparison One of the reasons why many companies are successful is because they know how to manage all their stuff in a proper manner. And that’s where the need for a [...]
Top 6 Project Management Methodologies: Comparison & Examples
What are Project Management Methodologies? As a project manager, you know you have many different ways to deliver your projects. Generally speaking, project managers can use different project management methodologies. Each uses different project [...]
11 Key Rules for Successful Project Management
What is Successful Project Management? For successful project management, the successful project managers are people who can envision completing the project management job from start to finish and possess the prowess to realize this [...]
Project Financial Management
What is Project Financial Management?The project finance manager is becoming a new role within the finance division of organizations. They are responsible for making plans, leading, and taking control of activities of the finance-focused tasks, [...]
Agile Waterfall Hybrid: Key Differences and Implementation Steps
What is an Agile Waterfall Hybrid? Agile Waterfall Hybrid is a midway approach to Agile and Waterfall methods, which make use of the benefits of both methodologies. Since the agile and waterfall methodologies have [...]